A Day at MELC
School Hours
The school day begins at 8:25 am and ends at 3:15 pm. Students are supervised from 7:15-3:15 on school days only. No staff members are on campus to supervise students who are dropped off prior to 7:15 am.
Student Drop Off/Pick-Up Area
Students who are driven to school by parents should be delivered and picked up at the drop-off area in the back of the school. The front area is chained off after school for the safety of the students. All students who are picked up by a parent in the afternoon are to be picked up in the designated loop Students should not be left unattended in the student-loading zone. Vehicles should not be left unattended in the student-loading zone. If parents have business in the school, vehicles should be parked in the designated spaces outside the gate. Parental cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated.
Breakfast is served daily from 8:30-9:00. All students have the opportunity to eat a FREE breakfast here at school. A free school lunch is available daily for our students. If a parent wishes, a lunchbox may be brought from home. Please send items that do not need to be heated. The school receives hot lunches Tuesday - Thursday and sandwiches on Monday and Friday.
Children Leaving During School Hours
If a student needs to be picked up early or if there is any change in the way your child goes home, such as van drop-off or going home with someone other than the parent, we MUST be given a note. Otherwise, your child will be sent home the regular way. No change will be accepted after 2:30 pm by phone. Remember, classes are being taught until dismissal time. If a student is checked out early, he/she will miss instructional time. Parents must sign their child out if they are picked up before the end of the school day. No checkouts will occur after 2:30pm.